Painted Furniture Ideas
Feb 5, 2017

How to Repaint Hardware and Save $100s

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Remember the old brassy hardware that was once shiny and new and now is just old and outdated? Good news!

Now you can easily update your hardware without spending a fortune on door knobs, light fixtures, and handles. Old hardware can look new again.

Painting hardware can be tricky.  If you use a brush it ends up uneven and streaky and if you use a spray it’s easy to get pools of paint in the small crevices. However, if you do it right then you can avoid both of these common problems and end up with the same old hardware that looks brand spankin’ new and no one will be able to tell the difference.

First, remove and clean. Seriously, clean. Not like run-it-under-water, but get out a good degreaser and cleanser and 409 and Lysol wipes and seriously clean the gunk off. If you’re painting a lot of hardware (like all your cabinet knobs, for example) prepare an area with newspaper or a drop cloth that is large enough so that nothing is not touching.


When the hardware is clean and dry, use a primer spray  and prime the hardware completely. The key to getting a good coat is to use spray paint correctly. Spray paint leaves a smoother finish than a brush and travels around curves and into details without leaving brush lines.  You can use a few push pins to rest the hardware on so it is elevated giving you full coverage access.

Always be sure to shake the spray really well before using. Just shake the spray paint for about three minutes, then shake it again, and then just walk around shaking it for a while longer. When you’re ready to start, spray about 6-10 inches away in a fluid moving motion.

Once it is completely dry, grab your favorite spray paint. Metallic spray paints are the most popular for hardware, but you choose what you like. No one says you can’t have a hot pink door knob. Go for it!

Shake the spray paint, paint slow and evenly to coat the hardware completely. Because hardware is naturally susceptible to more wear and tear, use a clear lacquer as a top coat when the paint is completely dry. This will make it more scratch resistant and make your paint job last even longer. It is an extra step that is well worth it.  

 Let the hardware cure for at least 2 days.  If you can stand it give it 5 days before using to really allow a scratch proof finish.

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Furniture Painting Tips

I'm a DIYer and I love all things creative! Follow me to see more tips on painting furniture and repurposing old things to a new life.

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