Painted Furniture Ideas
Apr 3, 2013

5 Easy DIY Flooring Ideas

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Flooring adds so much to a room.  Flooring also gets a lot of wear and tear.    If you need new flooring, here are some ideas of ways that you can do your own flooring a little easier and cheaper!

Now yes I’ve seen the crazy flooring ideas with pennies, or belts creating a floor.  Who has 4000 belts laying around?  I have 5 DIY flooring ideas that are reasonable with beautiful results.



Did you know you can make a floor out of pallets?  Using pallets for free, or very low price, you can put in a hardwood flooring.  Make sure you rent a large floor sander to get this nice smooth feel.  If you have a friend with a planer that would be even better.  Finish it off with  a clear coat on top to give it a shiny finish!  For ideas on where to get FREE or cheap pallets click here. 


This home owner used wooden planks to get a beautiful floor for a fraction of the price!  Planks can be found at your local hardware store.

 This requires the same idea as the pallets, just a wider strip of wood.  Plane each piece or give it a good sanding.



Plank Tiles were installed to achieve this beautiful floor!  Make sure you read her full tutorial as she makes a newbie mistake with her grout.  Learn from other mistakes so your flooring turns out beautiful!



One more example of a pallet flooring.  This homeowner created an amazing  pattern.  I hope you are good at math!



Here we see beautiful planks found at your local hardware store, used as flooring.


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5 Easy DIY Flooring Ideas
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I'm a DIYer and I love all things creative! Follow me to see more tips on painting furniture and repurposing old things to a new life.

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