Painted Furniture Ideas
May 1, 2017

DIY Summer Signs

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Wood signs are one of my favorite DIY projects. Why? Well, several reasons.

First, they don’t require a lot of supplies. I get easily overwhelmed when I have to invest in a list of supplies longer than my grocery list. I don’t want to be forced to purchase two different tools, three different adhesives and follow 47 steps. Painted wooden are straightforward and simple. Second, they are versatile. Front door, back door, mantle, shelf, bathroom wall, bedroom, hallway, gallery wall, outdoors, indoors, wooden signs work anywhere. Last, wooden signs are beautiful.

The possibilities are endless, the colors, fonts, and styles create beautiful works of art on wood. Here are some of my favorite painted wood signs for summer.

Summertime and Americana are inseparable. Patriotic décor is perfect from Memorial Day through Labor Day. With a little rustic wood and leftover rope, this makes a beautiful and simple DIY sign for summer.


Who’s ready for a bonfire?! I love this sign for gathering friends around to enjoy summer s’mores and good company. I can taste the marshmallows already.


Sometimes the most imperfect things are absolutely perfect. That’s what summer is all about and that’s why I love this painted wood sign because everything about it is imperfect. The background, the wood, the obvious brush strokes are perfectly imperfect.


I always keep a chair on my front porch. It’s a beautiful Adirondack style rand I think it gives an inviting setting for the front porch. This sign brings everything I believe in together in one spot. Summertime, sitting, and porches like three amigos.


Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love sprinkles? I especially like this wooden sign because the cone is a 3-D Styrofoam addition that really adds depth and interest to the sign itself.


This summer sign is both beautiful and function, that’s a win-win for anyone who takes over grill duties for your next barbeque.


Nothing says summer quite the same as daisies. They are bright and clean and beautiful. You can use a welcome sign just about anywhere, so think outside the front porch and bring a welcome sign indoors to a shelf, mantel, or side table.


I can’t remember how many times my mother told me this as I was growing up. I have to be honest, I like it a lot more (and relate on a whole new level), now that I’m older.


Stars and stripes and everything nice. Incorporate everything you love in a simple summer sign that fits in to any style of décor.


Pineapples are more trendy than they have ever been. Embrace the pineapple and enjoy summer with this beautiful addition to your front door, windowsill, or book shelf.


Ok, this one might be my ultimate favorite summer time because everyone needs a teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini. 


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I'm a DIYer and I love all things creative! Follow me to see more tips on painting furniture and repurposing old things to a new life.

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