Painted Furniture Ideas
Dec 5, 2016

Wallpaper: Transform your furniture

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Place the wallpaper on top of the surface working from one side to the other getting out all the bubbles (this might take some time). Be sure you have clean hands, damp cloths, and lots and lots of patience. Note, if you’re attempting this technique with regular paper or wrapping paper, don’t use the damp cloths. They work great on wallpaper, but will tear apart regular paper.

If necessary, use a super sharp craft knife and ruler to trim any excess paper. Dull blades can tear the paper, so be careful! You can also use a sander to sand the edges of the paper if you’re going for a more shabby look.


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Third Step:

Once it is perfect, apply a coat or two of modge podge to the top of the surface. This step protects the integrity of the paper, so it is important if you plan on placing liquids anywhere near the surface, or if there’s a possibility it might get colored on, roughed up, or susceptible to wear and tear. The modge podge protects the surface, but is not entirely crucial if you prefer to leave it as is. I do recommend a coat of water based poly for extra protection. If you’re covering the top of a table or desk, you can have a piece of glass cut to fit on top of your wallpaper surface to ensure it will look great for years.

If wallpaper isn’t your choice of material, consider this article which uses paper, fabric and other ideas!  7 Things You Can Mod Podge Onto Furniture

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I'm a DIYer and I love all things creative! Follow me to see more tips on painting furniture and repurposing old things to a new life.

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